




Reply to Do I need seperate VoIP Services Cert if I use normal APNS Certificate?
Hi @jonchambers, If a device turn off an app's notification (Setting -> app -> notification -> off), the app can't receive push notification from push kit => Unable to receive VoIP push => unable to handle VoIP call if app's inactive. I tested this case but still hope someone else can confirm this. However, there are some other apps (e.g. facebook messenger), even with disabled notification setting, can still receive VoIP call. I doubt it's because they start the call using PushKit notification but rather a direct connection using VoIP certificate. Is that right? Can (should) we handle both types of VoIP call? If so, there must be a switch for the SIP server to know if they should use PushNotification or send a VoIP offer, right?
Mar ’23
Reply to Stop using MVVM for SwiftUI
Hi @Appeloper, in your previous post, you wrote this: struct Channel: Identifiable, Codable { let id: String let name: String let genre: String let logo: URL? // Factory Methods static var all: [Self] { … } static var favorites: [Self] { … } } My question is, what if you have multiple "source of truth", e.g. when offline, read from coredata, otherwise when online, read from firebase realtime db. If you write these logic inside the model (Channel), wouldn't it violate the purpose of the Model? Or maybe this is just an example, and in real case, you'd create another layer to retrieve the actual data? (Networking or offline storage)? My concern is: In a decentralize environment, what if you have a model name ChatMessage, you can retrieve this model from different sources (different host urls, different api paths, local storage), how would you design your Model Object?
Mar ’23
Reply to Stop using MVVM for SwiftUI
Hi @Appeloper, I have some questions about the Store in this architecture called MV As I can see from the example above, your Store really looks like what they called View-Model in the MVVM architecture. From what I understand, the View-Model is exclusively belong to a specific View, while Store can be shared between multiple Views. Is there anything other differents or it's just that? If we mix UIKit and SwiftUI, I think the Store should be able to be shared with both kind of views, am I correct? I mean, if we use our plain old MVC, it's like your new idea about MV, where Model is still the same, and ViewController means View, and the Store should be able to shared between UIKit's ViewController and SwiftUI's View, right?
Mar ’23